In the neighborhood

RippeyPlease send your news item to Jean Borgeson at

Aug. 29, 2016

Rippey public library:  Librarian, Katrina Buttler; phone: 515.436.7714; website:; E-mail:

HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 2-6 pm; Wednesday 3-6 pm; Thursday 2-7 pm; Friday 3-6 pm.

Book club will start Sept. 1. The first book will be Mudbound by Hillary Jordan. Please message the library on Facebook, send an email or call and let staff know you would like to be part of RPL Book Club to assure there are enough books for everyone.

Rippey United Methodist Church:  PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastor: Paul Burrow, Pastor Rosa Soto. Phone: 515-436-7731

Adult Sunday school at 9:45 am; worship at 11 am. Every Tuesday, quilters at 9 am, coffee and fellowship at 10 am.

  • Saturday, Sept. 10 – Work day for ice cream social, 8 am
  • Sunday, Sept. 11 – Special Unified Service at Perry First UMS with Pastor Lee Schott from Women at the Well preaching; ice cream social 4-7 pm.

News in and around Rippey:

Family gatherings:

Family reunions:

Gary and Mary Weaver hosted Mary’s family at their annual summer reunion on Saturday evening. Following the meal, and the traditional breaking of the piñata, a hula hoop contest and relay games were played such as passing a soft ball from neck to neck, stick pony races, and carrying a boiled egg on a spoon. The egg relay was cut short by the Basyes’ dog from Sioux City, gulping the egg, shell and all, after it fell from the spoon.

A campfire was held, with second generation Jon Scharingson leading the family in a traditional family song that Jon is teaching to the third generation. This was new for Jon, as his Uncle Mike usually led the singing.

A three generation family pyramid was made with help from Aunt Mary on the bottom row.  The top row child was Ainsley Russell as the youngest child, representing Ada Weaver who is recovering from a fractured clavicle.

Those attending were Jan Scharingson of Grand Junction,  Jon, Kris, and Matthew Scharingson from Ankeny, Kirsten, James, Quinn and Hailey Carman from Jefferson, and Jeff, Cindie, Nicholas and Jaden Scharingson, from Urbandale; Mike and DeAnn Scharingson from Grand Junction, Jodi, Ryan, Reagan, and Peyton Hall from West Des Moines, and Erin, Clint, Ainsley, and Kennedy Russell from Council Bluffs;  David, Emily, and Ada Weaver from Rippey, and Theresa, Matt, Nathan, and Lauryn Basye from Sioux City.

The evening was spent enjoying the games, and visiting.

Saturday, Aug. 27, guests in the home of Phil and Toni Roberts were Marolyn McDiarmid and her son Matt McDiarmid of the Pittsboro, NC, area.  They had been traveling the Midwest visiting with relatives and doing family research. Kathleen Linn and Jean Borgeson also joined the group. Marolyn and Kathleen are second cousins, as their grandmothers, Kate Garvin and Minne Claussen (daughters of Frances Marion and Agnes (Klepper) Carpenter), were sisters.

Marolyn  was in the area in 2013 and spent time doing family research. Jean was able to help in this endeavor, so was enjoying this visit, also. There were family memories to share and pictures to try to identify for Marolyn and Kathleen, as they were the ones who remembered their grandparents and other family members in their generation.  After a trip to the cemetery, Marolyn and Matt left for home, with stops planned around other family names to research.

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